Meeting at the Cathedral-Basilica of St. James in Brooklyn, New York, the conference was hosted by John Hirten and Dennis Delaney. Over forty cathedral musicians representing thirty-five cathedral sin the United States discussed a wide range of issues related to the musical and liturgical practice of the American cathedral church.

Major topics of discussion included: an invitation to CRCCM to suggest modifications of the ministerial chants of the ICEL Sacramentary project; the assembling of a profile of all cathedral music programs in the United States, including a common repertoire of service music settings and a compendium of choral repertoire; a continuing exchange of repertoire, new works, documentation, and audiotapes from ember cathedrals; an examination and discussion of the recent document The Bishop and the Liturgy; professional "burnout" and avenues for help.

Two major resolutions were adopted: (1) CRCCM will commission a setting of the proper texts and acclamations of the Mass of Chrism; (2) CRCCM resolves that the particular attributes of the worship space should be an issue of special consideration and priority. Therefore, be it resolved that the reverberant acoustical environment of the worship space is the very sounding board of liturgical music itself: it is essential to the success of the proclamation and preaching of the Word, the song of both the community and the musician; that it magnifies the collective prayer of the Church; that it embraces, focuses and nurtures instrumental music; that carpeting, drapes, hangings, absorbent acoustical surface treatments militate against worship. Therefore, we urge all those charged with the design, building, and restoration of worship spaces to consult with the appropriate professional liturgists and musicians, and to take as paramount priority the musical and acoustical imperative.