The Conference of Roman Catholic Cathedral Musicians (CRCCM) met at Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Richmond, Virginia, for its 42nd annual gathering. Daniel Sáñez, Director of Music & Liturgy, Principal Organist, and Choirmaster for the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, designed and directed the gathering with Janice Guzman, Sacred Music Administrative Assistant; and the CRCCM Steering Committee. On Sunday night into Monday, winter storm “Blair” impacted Richmond severely, leading to a complete loss of water within the city limits until Thursday. Nevertheless, the conference planners adapted admirably and proceeded with an otherwise successful week.
Monday, January 9
The conference began with Solemn Mass at the Cathedral with the Very Reverend Anthony E. Marques, Rector of the Cathedral, presiding. Organ music included improvisations by Daniel Sáñez; choral repertoire included O magnum mysterium by Tomás Luis de Victoria, and Videntes stellam by Francis Poulenc.
The Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, consecrated on Thanksgiving Day, November 29, 1906, is the second Cathedral church of the Diocese of Richmond. Initially, the patron of this Cathedral was to be Saint Peter, following the patronage of the first Cathedral. However, then-Bishop Augustine Van de Vyer petitioned the Holy See to change the name to “Sacred Heart”, in order to promote devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to recognize the name of the parish that was to be assumed into the new Cathedral parish. The Cathedral of the Sacred Heart is home to three recently installed organs built by the French Canadian firm Juget-Sinclair: a 1-manual, 4-stop continuo organ (Op. 53, 2022); a 2-manual, 21-rank choir organ (Op. 54, 2022); and a 3-manual, 67-rank gallery organ (Op. 55, 2024). These instruments were featured prominently in the conference itinerary, through concerts, lectures, demonstrations, and open console time.
After Mass, the Cathedral hosted a welcome reception in the Parish Center. Brian Luckner, Chair of the CRCCM Steering Committee, read the CRCCM Statement of Purpose, and conference participants introduced themselves.
Tuesday, January 7
On Tuesday morning, conference participants gathered for Morning Prayer at the Cathedral.
After Morning Prayer, the conference continued with a presentation titled, “An Asymptotic Enterprise: What the Incarnation Means for Cathedral Musicians,” by the Very Reverend Anthony E. Marques, Rector of the Cathedral. In order to describe the imperfections of life, he shared his learning that there is a clearance of only ten inches between the top of the new organ case and the ceiling of the gallery, when there was supposed to be one foot. He also described his personal musical development—from childhood resentments of mandatory monthly singing class, to quarterly music practice as a seminarian at the Catholic University of America, to learning the Exsultet and various blessing chants—as an imperfect journey striving towards perfection. The primary image Fr. Marques used to describe the pursuit of perfection was the asymptote, which is a mathematical term referring to a curve that approaches a line but never intersects it. He linked this image to the recent celebrations of Christmas: “The Incarnation we celebrate at Christmas is an asymptote. Creation—humanity and the whole cosmos—is elevated to God but does not reach perfection in God in this life.” He also highlighted the principle of lex orandi, lex credendi, that the law of prayer informs the law of belief, and he encouraged musical planning to reflect not only the lectionary, but all the texts of the Mass (e.g. antiphons, collects, prefaces, solemn blessings).
A native of New Jersey, Fr. Marques was ordained as a priest in the Catholic Diocese of Richmond in 2006, and he was appointed Rector of the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in 2019.
Following the chant workshop, conference participants returned to the conference hotel for the first of two business meetings and lunch.
The afternoon itinerary continued with a tour of organs throughout Richmond. These included: the 2-manual, 32-rank Taylor & Boody organ (Op. 7, 1983) at Bethlehem Lutheran Church; the 3-manual, 61-rank Fisk organ (Op. 112, 1999) at Saint James’s Episcopal Church; and the 4-manual, 65-rank M. P. Möller organ (Op. 10590, 1970/80) at River Road Church, Baptist. Conference participants received specifications, heard demonstrations of the organs, and enjoyed brief open console time.
Tuesday evening, the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart presented a concert titled, “What the Shepherds Said: A Christmas Journey”, featuring the Cathedral’s Schola Cantorum and Relic Ensemble. Repertoire consisted of Magnificat by C. P. E. Bach, and Dixit Dominus by G. F. Handel. The ensemble was under the direction of Daniel Sáñez.
Wednesday, January 10
On Wednesday, morning, conference participants gathered for Morning Prayer in the Cathedral.
Afterwards, a presentation was given regarding the Cathedral’s pipe organ project. The presenters were Paul Thornock (organ consultant) and Carey Bliley (organ committee chairman). They described the unique elements of the project, from European study tours, to the assembly of a relatively large committee, to agreement on a French specification, and the selection of Juget-Sinclair organ builders. The committee included a remarkably diverse group of people, which—upon reaching consensus—led to the success of the project.
After the presentation, Robin Coté, President of Juget-Sinclair organ builders, greeted the conference participants and demonstrated each of the Cathedral’s organs. He described various voicing decisions and engineering challenges, notably the design and construction of the choir organ to maintain walk-through access of the ambulatory. Following the demonstrations, conference participants enjoyed lunch at the Cathedral and boarded the bus to Colonial Williamsburg. The afternoon included guided tours of Colonial Williamsburg and time for dinner.
Wednesday evening, conference participants returned to the Cathedral for an organ concert performed by Daniel Stipe. Repertoire included Fantasia on “Komm, heiliger Geist”, BWV 651, by Johann Sebastian Bach; “Dance of the Shulammite Woman” from Four Biblical Sketches by Peter Eben; “The Primitives”, “At the Ballet”, and Let Everyone Dance” from Five Dances by Calvin Hampton; Partita on “Veni Creator Spiritus”, and Come, Holy Ghost (Lambillotte) by Mary Beth Bennet, who was present for the concert; Prélude, Adagio et Chorale Varié sur le thème du Veni Creator by Maurice Duruflé; and the Prelude and Fugue in E-flat Major (“St. Anne”), BWV 552 by J. S. Bach.
Daniel Stipe lives in Richmond. He currently serves as accompanist for the Richmond Symphony Chorus and the Central Virginia Masterworks Chorale, and as principal organist at All Saints Episcopal Church.
Thursday, January 11
On Thursday morning, conference participants gathered in the Cathedral for a guided tour given by Stephen DeMauri, Archives Coordinator for the Diocese of Richmond. Following the tour, the second of two business meetings took place, which included the Steering Committee member nomination process. Conference participants enjoyed lunch in the Cathedral Parish Center and later returned to the sanctuary for the composers reading session. There, colleagues were given the opportunity to share original compositions.
Following the reading session, conference participants enjoyed open console time on the Cathedral’s organs and free time to explore Richmond. That evening, a Holy Hour was celebrated in the Cathedral, with the Office of Readings. The presider was Fr. Anthony Marques, Rector
The closing banquet of the conference was held in the banquet hall of Saint Mary’s Episcopal Church in Richmond. Well-deserved appreciation was extended to Daniel Sáñez, Janice Guzman, the Cathedral’s clergy and staff, and the CRCCM Steering Committee for organizing such a successful and enjoyable gathering.
Brian F. Gurley is Director of Music and Organist at Saint Paul Cathedral in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.