The gathering was held at the Sheraton-Marina Hotel and was hosted by Greg Labus and Lee Gwozdz at the Cathedral of Corpus Christ, at the invitation of Bishop Rene H. Gracida.
Conference agenda items consisted of the following: guidelines for multi-lingual liturgies; a presentation of Spanish-language books presently in use in the United States; a presentation of the Book of Blessings and the new Rite of Funerals; a panorama of styles and techniques for organ in the congregation’s song; plainsong for the assembly; and the art of chorus recruitment and choir building.
Special guest Skinner Chavez-Melo presented music for the Hispanic church in America: current repertoires and future opportunities. A panel discussion entitled "An Exchange of Visions – CRCCM/NPM" was led by invited guest Reverend Virgil Funk. Present also were diocesan directors of music who participated in the discussion regarding Cathedral/Diocese challenges.
Action items from Conference VI were presented for discussion: acoustics statement; Rite of Ordination; future commissions by CRCCM; a call for television guidelines; and a statement on the restoration of historic organs. The conference statement on acoustics was accepted.
Conference members gathered for Night Prayer in the cathedral’s Emmanuel Chapel, Eucharist in the cathedral, and Evening Prayed led by the Cathedral Youth Choir. A music event featured the Cathedral Chorale under the direction of Mr. Labus and Mr. Gwozdz in a spectacular presentation of choral processions, choreography, and music for choir, brass, and organ.
The conference closed with a banquet at the Town Club, Shoreline Plaza.